Captain Lees favorite Below Deck guests Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy under fire amid Blind Side lega

Below Deck charter guests Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy face a legal battle over the movie The Blind Side involving Michael Oher.

Leigh Anne and Sean appeared on Season 5 of Below Deck, leading Captain Lee Rosbach to call them his favorite charter guests.

The episode appropriately titled Blindsided has resurfaced as the Tuohys face a legal fight with Michael, whose life The Blind Side was based on.

Michael filed a lawsuit against Sean and Leigh Anne this week, claiming he was lied to about being adopted by the family and was instead under a conservatorship with them.

The lawsuit also alleges that Michael made no money off The Blind Side while Sean negotiated for himself, Leigh Anne, and their two birth children, Collins and SJ.

Amid all of the legal drama, Leigh Anne and Sean’s episode of Below Deck has resurfaced with some glaring red flags in it.

Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy’s Below Deck episode under scrutiny

During their appearance on Below Deck, Captain Lee asked the Tuohys about how The Blind Side came about. Sean explained he shopped it around to Steven Spielberg and Harvey Weinstein.

Once Sean negotiated that he wanted script approval, it took about seven months before a script was mailed to them. Things moved right along after that, and Leigh Anne told the story of how Sandra Bullock, who she calls Sandy, showed up on her doorstep one day to discuss the movie.

There was no mention of Michael in their explanation of how The Blind Side came to life. In a TikTok video, one fan pointed out that the whole episode was a red flag, especially now with the new legal battle.

Sean and Leigh Anne have denied all accusations Michael has made against them. They have also fired back, claiming Michael demanded a $15 million payout to keep his story quiet.

Does Captain Lee Rosbach still consider Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy his favorite Below Deck charter guests?

In light of recent events, one Twitter user asked Captain Lee if Leigh Anne and Sean seemed “scummy” on their charter.

“They were one of my favorite charters ever,” Captain Lee replied.

In true Captain Lee fashion, he didn’t get into the legal troubles involving the Tuohys. Leigh Anne and Sean have not been back on Below Deck since their initial appearance in 2017.

At the time, though, Leigh Anne used Instagram to gush over their experience as well as Captain Lee.

Below Deck has found itself in the middle of The Blind Side legal battle involving former charter guests Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy.

Below Deck is currently on hiatus on Bravo. Seasons 1-10 are streaming on Peacock.
