The Truth About The Lost Episode Of Drunk History

According to Complex, Waters got the idea for the show after hearing his friend actor Jake Johnson recounting the tale of Otis Redding, who knew he was going to die when he boarded the plane that ultimately crashed and killed him. Johnson had been drunk, and Waters thought it was hilarious how he was stumbling over his story. (Johnson would later become famous himself for a different TV show: New Girl.)

Even though Drunk History now had a network budget, many aspects of the production remained very low-budget. Waters said this was part of Drunk History's charm. Over the years, the show produced six seasons and 70 episodes. It also picked up 17 Emmy nominations, winning for Outstanding Costumes in a Variety Series. Not bad for a show that used second-hand costumes back in the day. 

The show has spawned several international versions that follow pretty much the same format. As the host, Waters often drinks with the narrators, because he doesn't want them to feel like their drunkenness is being exploited. Waters is often called the "drunk whisperer" since he can coax out facts from the increasingly inebriated storytellers. And yes, they are totally drunk. Some episodes have featured narrators falling off their chairs mid-history lesson, still somehow able to talk about Thomas Edison in the middle of vomiting. It sounds disgusting, but for fans, it's comedy gold.
