My god Bowen Yang is hard to look at, poor thing.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | March 12, 2023 3:54 AM |
Spot on Jaimie Lee Curtis.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | March 12, 2023 4:33 AM |
Chloe is fab. She has the true sense of make-believe genius this show at its best really needs.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | March 12, 2023 4:34 AM |
Is Bowen related to Roseanne Barr—like, actually her??
by Anonymous | reply 4 | March 12, 2023 4:38 AM |
Oscars cold Open should have been a slam dunk, but was hit and miss.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | March 12, 2023 4:40 AM |
Finally a host I recognize.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | March 12, 2023 4:41 AM |
Ooooooo, a game show-related first skit. Innovative. :D
by Anonymous | reply 8 | March 12, 2023 4:48 AM |
She’s got great presence and focus as a host and in the skits for age 20–pretty cool!
by Anonymous | reply 10 | March 12, 2023 4:58 AM |
I fully expected this to be dreadfully awful. And, at least in that regard, they didn’t disappoint.
As good as last week was this has been just horrid.
Also, I can’t stand Fred Armisen.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | March 12, 2023 5:02 AM |
Somebody on DL is writing for SNL, too many references from here.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | March 12, 2023 5:07 AM |
Waffle House = Hilarious...
by Anonymous | reply 13 | March 12, 2023 5:11 AM |
Next live show threatened by possible strike:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 14 | March 12, 2023 5:19 AM |
Mikey Day comes off as the most butch DILF in the history of pierced nipples in the Waffle House.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | March 12, 2023 5:20 AM |
Who is the whore lead singer?
by Anonymous | reply 16 | March 12, 2023 5:20 AM |
Is the 1975 ripping off the Robert Palmer girls choreography? Cute.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | March 12, 2023 5:21 AM |
That was tight. I’ve never seen The 1975 perform but would go see them live.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | March 12, 2023 5:21 AM |
1975 = Lead Singer. Trashy. Bang it and forget it.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 19 | March 12, 2023 5:22 AM |
So he's just a fuck slut.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | March 12, 2023 5:24 AM |
He looks like he could transmit herpes from two feet away.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | March 12, 2023 5:26 AM |
Thought this was a surprise cameo by Aidy at first.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | March 12, 2023 5:28 AM |
Awful. Turning it off to recoup some of the sleep we're losing to daylight savings.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | March 12, 2023 5:30 AM |
Trump complaining about his Negroni was laugh out loud.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | March 12, 2023 5:36 AM |
More of this open hole of a lead singer.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | March 12, 2023 5:48 AM |
This band has a nice sound.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | March 12, 2023 5:48 AM |
Not combing your hair isn't "cool". It's basic hygiene.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 29 | March 12, 2023 5:48 AM |
Can you imagine how rank his ass and taint smell?
by Anonymous | reply 31 | March 12, 2023 5:51 AM |
I like this group and their music. Very cool! I heard them on the radio the other day and thought that they had a nice sound.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | March 12, 2023 6:06 AM |
This show went downhill fast. The early 10pm "classic" episode (2003) showed two people masterbating King Kong and 80 year old Helen Thomas getting knocked out. 2023 SNL spotlights how boring and afraid of risks they are. How many times is Eggo going to play the "uppity black woman" stereotype?
by Anonymous | reply 34 | March 12, 2023 6:39 AM |
the Waffle House was fucking hilarious
not so much for the dialogue but just the trashiness happening behind them and then the father coming out at the end
best skit of the night
the host was fine but the material wasn't great
the band was OK...the lead singer sounds like Ed Sheeran though
by Anonymous | reply 35 | March 12, 2023 8:09 AM |
I smiled when Fred’s character name-checked Lisa Rinna as his crush in the Parent Trap sketch.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | March 12, 2023 8:30 AM |
The 1975 singer, Matt Healey, acts very fey, but claims to be straight.
If you thought he was a bit flaming tonight, you should have seen his stage presentation when he was a full blown junkie. He was addicted to heroin for a few years.
Look for his talk show performances on You Tube.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | March 12, 2023 8:32 AM |
Leave Matt alone, he looks great for being 47 or 48.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | March 12, 2023 8:37 AM |
I could listen to the guys who does impressions all night long. He's so damn good.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | March 12, 2023 9:17 AM |
That guy sounds more like Dump than Dump does! He does a much better impression than Alec Baldwin.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | March 12, 2023 9:46 AM |
Dump complaining about a Negroni is an instant classic!
by Anonymous | reply 41 | March 12, 2023 11:15 AM |
Waffle House was unfunny. The whole show was pretty bad.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | March 12, 2023 12:04 PM |
[quote]Somebody on DL is writing for SNL
It's the other way around: SNL writers lift ideas from the DL, and have been doing so for years.
by Anonymous | reply 43 | March 12, 2023 12:48 PM |
I thought the Waffle House bit was funny and the Mikey/Punky bit on Weekend Update. I know someone who is just like that with celebrity names - any conversation usually requires and extra few minutes to figure out who she's talking about so that made me laugh.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | March 12, 2023 12:52 PM |
The Mikey/Punky bit was last week. What's Mikey's deal? I know he's been involved with women and he has a son but he comes off so gay to me lately. Bi? Late stage gay?
by Anonymous | reply 45 | March 12, 2023 2:05 PM |
Oh I caught up on last week's episode right before watching this week - guess it blurred together.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | March 12, 2023 2:09 PM |
The road trip skit was funny but that’s about it for me.
by Anonymous | reply 47 | March 12, 2023 2:19 PM |
The Waffle House sketch was the first time I have literally laughed at loud for something on the show in a long time. And James Austin Johnson is not only the best Trump impressionist they've ever had but was funny with his other little impressions as well.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | March 12, 2023 2:20 PM |
Mikey Day is stranger fuckable, like Beck Bennett was.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | March 12, 2023 3:28 PM |
It was a good show, plus my Andrew Dismukes was back, finally!!!
Jenna was awkward in the opening sketch, but she was fine in the others. My two favorites were Waffle House and The Exorcist. Waffle House was laugh out loud funny.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | March 12, 2023 3:32 PM |
Yeah Jenna can't do comedy.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | March 12, 2023 3:38 PM |
Jenna is the nasty flavor of the week absolutely no one was clamoring for. Why do we need another untalented Selena Gomez imposter?
by Anonymous | reply 54 | March 12, 2023 5:43 PM |
The only funny skit was the "Road Trip" and even that was only mildly amusing. "Waffle House" got old real fast. The opening monologue was so stilted it was painful. And what was with "Lisa From Tumecula Goes to an Exorcsim". Do better.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | March 12, 2023 6:01 PM |
The writing has pretty often been only collegiate, comedy troupe improv level.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | March 12, 2023 6:16 PM |
[quote] plus my Andrew Dismukes was back, finally!!!
Yes! I had a sex dream about him before last week’s episode and then he wasn’t on. Major disappointment! Maybe he had a sex dream about me and needed time to process…
by Anonymous | reply 57 | March 12, 2023 10:36 PM |
I loved The 1975's first song. A light pop song perfect for spring/summer.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | March 13, 2023 7:51 AM |
Yang is really starting to grate. That Valley Girl shtick ("Are you like fur-REAKED out?!") makes me cringe. And he's fugly.
I bet he's Miss Diva around the set, thinking he's the next breakout star.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | March 13, 2023 9:04 AM |
JO looks like a little person to me. Her facial structure reminds me of the mom, Amy, from Little People, Big World.
by Anonymous | reply 60 | March 13, 2023 3:28 PM |
[quote]I loved The 1975's first song. A light pop song perfect for spring/summer.
Check out their song "The Sound", this is one of the first songs I heard by them, the band performed it when they appeared on either Fallon or Seth Meyers a few years ago.
"The Sound" is from heir second studio album, "I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It". They sure have a penchant for bizarre album titles. Their latest LP is called, "Being Funny in a Foreign Language"
by Anonymous | reply 61 | March 13, 2023 8:28 PM |
Speaking of Alex, he's about to make his Broadway debut in a new play starring Eric McCormack:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 62 | March 13, 2023 9:13 PM |
The new play from Sandy Rustin will star Eric McCormack, Laura Bell Bundy, and Lilli Cooper, with Jason Alexander directing.
Jason Alexander DIRECTING?
Is this an episode of Young Sheldon? Cowboy Aerobics?
by Anonymous | reply 63 | March 13, 2023 11:50 PM |
‘SNL’: Strike Averted As Editors Reach Tentative Deal With NBC:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 64 | March 18, 2023 12:27 AM |
The writing staff will never go on strike. They just let the quality of their product fade.
They all need to be replaced. The cast cut in half.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | March 18, 2023 12:29 AM |
I can't decide whether Matty Healy's absolutely adorable or a full-on fuckin' wanker.
by Anonymous | reply 66 | March 18, 2023 2:22 AM |
Y’all can have Healy, I’ll take that tall drink of water, bassist Ross MacDonald. HOT.
by Anonymous | reply 67 | March 18, 2023 2:56 AM |
Sorry for the double post. Why is there such a delay sometimes?
by Anonymous | reply 71 | March 18, 2023 5:15 AM |
The Waffle House skit was the best of the entire season so far.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | March 19, 2023 3:47 AM |
I know I'm in the minority, but I actually love the Please Don't Destroy videos. They're the highlight of every episode, IMO.
by Anonymous | reply 73 | March 21, 2023 3:20 PM |
r73 I just discovered their YouTube channel from before they were famous. I agree. The only ones with any talent left writing at SNL.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 74 | March 21, 2023 3:32 PM |
The ginger stirs my loins.
by Anonymous | reply 75 | March 21, 2023 3:36 PM |
Their videos are definitely a step up from Kyle Mooney’s. I’m weirdly attracted to the short husky one everyone thinks is ugly
by Anonymous | reply 76 | March 21, 2023 5:41 PM |
1975 dude seems to like kissing fans on stage, including men.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 77 | March 21, 2023 6:46 PM |