PlateUp is what happens if you take Overcooked and its puzzle-like designs and turn it into a rogue-like where all the design problems are your fault. In PlateUp, maximize efficiency by yourself or with friends to survive every 15 rounds of fun, fast-paced food service life. If you’re new to PlateUp and want a quick rundown on how to build the best eatery, here’s how to get started.
How to play PlateUp

When you load into a game of PlateUp, you start at headquarters. Here, not only do you pick your kitchen layout and your recipe, but you can also practice those recipes before you get into the game. In the beginning, you start out with steak, but the more you play and level up, you can serve pie, pizza, burgers, soup, and more.
Once you get into the game, you play for 15 rounds. Each round starts with you setting up your workspace and purchasing upgrades. Then, you hit go and tackle the day ahead of you. During those 15 rounds, 3 rounds are about upgrading the style of restaurant you will have (formal, expensive, affordable, or charming). Meanwhile, 4 other rounds give you challenges.
You have to choose between two options that put pressure on either the kitchen, the dining room, or both. You must cope with these challenging changes to your establishment without disgruntling customers. Throughout the game, the major factors you have to account for are cleanliness, cook speed, and customer volume. If you make customers wait too long for a table or for their food, you fail the day and have to start the game from the beginning again.
Items to look for in PlateUp

All PlateUp items have a purpose, either for making serving easier, helping clean, speeding up cooking, upgrading items, automating your restaurant, etc. Using the money you earn from running your restaurant, these items can be game-changing in helping you win.
As far as the early game is concerned, some of the best items you can buy are extra plates, sinks, and a research desk. Meanwhile, upgraded hobs (stovetop) or sinks can revolutionize your starting gameplay.
Later in the game, you’ll be fighting against the accumulated customer demand and dirtiness. So, wellies, trainers, automated cleaners, knives, rolling pins, knives, and mixers can be invaluable. They either make you cut/knead faster or get rid of/ignore the mess customers make while they eat.
Aim for simple kitchen designs

Each game of PlateUp will be different, but the less your avatar has to move, the better. While you set up your design, make all your walking paths simple and straightforward, and make sure everything is easily accessible. For example, a chef will likely want to place their kitchen set up in a way that makes it easy to walk from their final cooking step to the serving window and plates.
Tips for playing PlateUp multiplayer
In single-player mode, you do everything yourself. But in multiplayer, it’s easier to play the game if you assign everybody roles. And no, it’s not just as simple as being the chef and server. Think of everything you need to do to keep the restaurant running smoothly and communicate who will be doing what. Then, create easy-to-use stations for each of you. The person in charge of dishes, for example, should have an easy way to access plates so that you can get clean dishes back into rotation as easily as possible.
About the author

Stephanie Roehler
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