Big Brother 25 houseguest Felicia Cannon spoke about her husband on the live feeds late Thursday night.
Felicia and Izzy Gleicher had a conversation – leading to a shocking revelation.
It sounds like Felicia’s husband did something ahead of her appearance on the show.
And it was enough for Felicia to say that she was disgusted by his actions.
Felicia and her husband, Dwayne, have been married for 26 years. They met while serving in the U.S. Air Force and have a son named Ja’ir.
Felicia has also noted that he son looks like Jared Fields. It could be amusing to see how Felicia reacts to Jared being the son of fellow houseguest Cirie Fields.
What happened between Felicia and her husband?
Readers should be aware of some Big Brother spoilers in the paragraphs below. It is due to one of those spoilers that the topic of Dwayne came up.
It appears Dwayne reacted negatively when Felicia told him she was going on Big Brother.
Felicia won the Week 3 Head of Household Competition. This gave her the HOH Room, a basket of goodies, and some pictures from home.
“Does it feel good to see Dwayne?” Izzy asked Felicia while pointing to one of her HOH photos.
“It does. Actually, it does. Because I know Dwayne. He goes into panic mode. He always has. He’s a pessimist. I am an optimist. And I think that is kinda what carries us. Because we are so extreme. But, I really was frustrated and disgusted when he did what he did,” Felicia responded.
Felicia did not reiterate what Dwayne did, but it seemed clear that she had told Izzy about it before.
“But I just said, ‘Felicia’…” she began as Izzy interrupted.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it,” Izzy interjected.
“I know. Me either. But I really believe he is working out of fear. He’s working out of fear on what comes on the backside of this and thinking that I’m gonna axe him out, so he was beating me to the punch,” Felicia added.
Izzy called Dwayne cowardly, and Felicia agreed with him.
“I mean how could he not be falling in love with you again watching all of this?” Felicia added.
Felicia had a big smile on her face as Izzy said that.
Below is a clip from the Big Brother live feeds that shows most of the conversation.
More from Big Brother 25
As the new HOH, Felicia gets to nominate two people for eviction.
But a plan is already in place to backdoor Hisam this week.
Host Julie Chen Moonves also revealed the producers are bringing back the Pressure Cooker.
Felicia has to sit out that challenge. She will watch 12 houseguests compete for power on August 24.
After he got expelled, Luke Valentine gave an interview blaming sleepiness on his use of a racial slur.
And after getting shaded by Hisam on the Big Brother live feeds, Big Brother alum Frenchie slammed Hisam for his gameplay on BB25.
Big Brother airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.