*Pretends to be shocked*: Megyn Kelly memes go viral after her 'vile' comments supporting blackface

Megyn Kelly is at the center of a self-made firestorm after saying on her Today show hour that she didn't understand the problem with white people donning blackface - and the internet has reacted.

During a roundtable on Halloween costumes, Kelly said,'That was okay when I was a kid, as long as you were dressing like a character... I don't see how that is racist on Halloween.'

Within hours she sent an email apologizing to staff, and after a media pile on including stories on NBC, she issued an teary apology again on her show Wednesday. 

Megyn Kelly opened her show with an apology on Wednesday after being roundly criticized for her comments on Tuesday saying she saw nothing wrong with blackface costumes. Talent across the NBC/MSNBC family have spoken out - as have other networks. They aren't alone

Megyn Kelly opened her show with an apology on Wednesday after being roundly criticized for her comments on Tuesday saying she saw nothing wrong with blackface costumes. Talent across the NBC/MSNBC family have spoken out - as have other networks. They aren't alone

Her panel guest Jacob Soboroff later said Kelly's words were 'vile', Lester Holt covered the scandal on Nightly News, Al Roker said on Today that, 'while she apologized to the staff, she owes a bigger apology to folks of color around the country' and GMA's Robin Roberts said, 'to not know the historical significance of that [blackface] is....' as she winced and shook her head.

While the words on air and on twitter from her colleagues has been swift and harsh, viewers and observers have weighed in as well - and Twitter has lit up with reaction to the latest scandal plagueing NBC's highest paid talent. 

Here are some of the reactions: 

Twitter has exploded with reaction to her support of blackface

Twitter has exploded with reaction to her support of blackface

One person photoshopped a new logo on her Today show publicity image

One person photoshopped a new logo on her Today show publicity image

This used Judge Judy holding her head in response to a 'Megyn apologizes' story

This used Judge Judy holding her head in response to a 'Megyn apologizes' story

A tweet about Al Roker walking over to Megyn's was shared shortly after he said on the Today show that she owed 'a bigger apology to folks of color around the country'

A tweet about Al Roker walking over to Megyn's was shared shortly after he said on the Today show that she owed 'a bigger apology to folks of color around the country'

One used Stanley from the US version of The Office to mock her all white panel

One used Stanley from the US version of The Office to mock her all white panel

A former fan weighed in with the help of Tyra Banks - circa America's Next Top Model

A former fan weighed in with the help of Tyra Banks - circa America's Next Top Model

Andy Cohen was used to mock Megyn's Wednesday show where two black panelists explained the racist history of blackface to Kelly

Andy Cohen was used to mock Megyn's Wednesday show where two black panelists explained the racist history of blackface to Kelly




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Share 64 shares This GIF started with a woman grimacing and ended with her trashing a room

This GIF started with a woman grimacing and ended with her trashing a room

This was a gif of a man looking at his flip phone

This was a gif of a man looking at his flip phone


The hosts of Today addressing the Kelly scandal on Tuesday

The hosts of Today addressing the Kelly scandal on Tuesday


Al Roker (Today): 'The fact is, while she apologized to the staff, she owes a bigger apology to folks of color around the country because this is our history, going back to the 1830s. Minstrel shows meant to denigrate a race, you know I am old enough to have lived through Amos & Andy where you had white people in blackface playing the black characters just magnifying the worst stereotypes about black people. And that's what the big problem is.'

Craig Melvin (Today): 'There was some criticism online that this was political correctness run amok, and that's silly and its disingenuous and its just as ignorant and racist as the statement itself.' In addition to her being a colleague, she's a friend. She said something stupid. She said something indefensible. But I think a lot of people knew about blackface before yesterday.'

Jacob Soboroff (Twitter): 'Morning. Want you guys to know how I feel about yesterday. What was said was vile. Not only has blackface always been and will always be racist — questioning that was disgraceful. I’m ashamed I didn’t speak up more emphatically at the table. I’m sorry if I let you down.'

Amber Ruffin (Later Night with Seth Meyers): 'It's not racist on Halloween. It's racist every day. There is no magical day where you can wear blackface with no repercussions. Unless all of your friends are white, and I'm guessing all of Megyn Kelly's friends are white. Speaking of a bunch of white people, this panel. White, white, white, white. Ooh, so very white. How are you gonna have a bunch of white people sit together and figure out what's racist? White people don't get to decide what's racist. If I punch you, I don't decide if it hurts or not - you do! And it won't because I'm not punching no white lady, because I don't want to go to jail ... You're 47. Racism wasn't invented 40 years ago. Forty years ago,they were just getting into the swing of it, baby. Today, it's perfected.' 


Robin Roberts (Good Morning America): 'Of course, a lot of people are commenting on this and one of the comments is about the panel, that if you're going to have this discussion perhaps you should have a more diverse panel that can challenge her when she's making those types of statements.  And to not know the historical significance of that is [exasperated sigh].'


Wendy Williams (Wendy): 'Excuse me. This is such a basic thing for such an educated woman to know. She was lying. Number one. Number two, she had on a whole  bunch of black people in the audience standing up and applauding. I guess they got Gold Bond (lotion). It's shocking when it comes from such an educated woman with such a prime spot.

Al Sharpton (MSNBC host on Wendy): 'Wrong. You cannot take away the history of what blackface meant. It was used to denigrate, it was used for hate. I think she was very wrong and very insensitive ... One of the things I learned is that a lot of things we say is just street talk, including me using the n-word, calling people homophobic. You grow and you say "Wait a minute, you can't do that." And in this climate, that this president has us all so divided, you need to be really careful. I'm glad Megyn apologized about it.'


Meredith Viera (The Talk): 'I'm not going to get in her head. I think what she said about black face was totally ignorant. That, I'm sure of. And when she equates it with  - and I can't believe at 47 she doesn't know that, given her, you know, having lived this life. I feel like we all know that. And to even say as long as it is respectful it was OK. Since when has black face ever been respectful ... This is racism.'

Sheryl Underwood (The Talk):  'See, I think for me, she has a platform. That's why this is so dangerous, because she has a daily platform. Robin Roberts and Al Roker, kudos to them for speaking up. But I'm going say something. Listen to me. All white people don't say stupid stuff, so we're not going to put it on them cause they all them don't say stupid stuff. But when you got an all-white panel and three out of for you white ain't co-signing what you saying, Megyn, you need to let it go. It was like what?'

Sharon Osbourne (The Talk):  'How Megyn is, she knows what is politically correct and what isn't. Whether they agree with it or not, she said her personal feelings, but she was outnumbered by the amount of people that really objected to what she was saying. And you would have just hoped that she would have known better by working in the news for so many years.'


Don Lemon: 'Listen, I know Megyn. You know, we do this - sometimes you say stupid things when you're live. But I'm just going to be honest. Megyn is 47 years old, she's our age. There has never been a time in that -- in her 47 years that blackface has been acceptable. There were all white people on that panel. There were no African-Americans, no people of color there to say, hey, Megyn, not cool. I wonder how much diversity she has on her staff? I don't know, I'm not there. But I would imagine there's not a lot because people would have informed her. This is what people of the larger culture don't understand about racism and about privilege. I don't know of many black people that are trying to be white people for Halloween or dressing up as white people but I know a lot of people who do it as black people. She mentioned Luanne who I know. I know Luanne feels bad about the Diana Ross thing. She put on a wig that looked like Marge Simpson, overcharacterizing Diana Ross. And there was no need even in that to put on dark face. 

'Megyn is not aware of the history of this country. Megyn is not aware of the history of this country. It's not a one-off. Remember the whole black Santa Claus thing, which was offensive. I think people really need to educate themselves about this particular issue, and we need to realize in this culture that some people do have a privilege where they don't have to think about it. It does not exist to them. Now, let me be honest. In this business, I'm the only person who looks like me in prime time. I'm a unicorn. Megyn has taken over for what used to be an African-American woman and a black man who had that slot and who actually did better than her in the ratings, and who in this situation would have said it is never okay to do blackface. There would not be this controversy. So diversity is key. The people who are hiring people like Megyn, like me and you should realize how important diversity is, how important it is for their talent to know the history of this country and not say stupid things like, it's okay. It's always been okay for people to dress up as long as they're honoring and memorializing people. It's never okay.'


Joe Scarborough: The Morning Joe host retweeted Jacob Soboroff with the message, 'Jacob, you have been a consistent champion for young victims of systemic racism at the border. You are not the problem.'

Mika Brzezinski: In addition to retweeting Al Roker and others condemning Kelly, she also addressed Soborof in a retweet: 'you were in a bad position.. good on you for being transparent- you are a great guy.'


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