Porn star forces Moana name change in Italy

An unfortunate connection to Italy's most famous porn star has forced a name change for Disney's Moana.

The Polynesian-inspired animated film has been retitled as Oceania for its release in the European country next month.

Italian media reports the name change is due to Moana Pozzi, a famous porn star who died in 1994 aged 33.

Pozzi rose in prominence in Italy for her political views as well as her film career, launching the Love Party and running for Mayor of Rome.

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She also starred in her own animated short about political corruption.

A Twitter user alleged that the directors of the movie, Ron Clements and John Musker, had confirmed the Pozzi connection forced the name change.

A friend of mine actually asked the directors at Annecy Festival and they said Pozzi played a big part in the decision

— Iry. (@IryPixar) November 13, 2016

Name changes are not uncommon with movies, though likely not for a reason as spectacular as this. Moana has also been retitled Vaiana in many European countries due to copyright issues.

Moana stars Dwayne Johnson and local actors Temuera Morrison and Rachel House, and will be released in New Zealand on December 26.

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