Monroe claimed to eat two raw eggs whisked into cold milk every morning, and in 1952 was photographed in bed, naked but for a sheet, concocting her body builder-style breakfast. Served plain, it's very, very bland – this version is both delicious and eliminates the risk of food poisoning.
Makes one cup
Whisk together two eggs, a tablespoon or two of sugar and 125ml cold milk. Add nutmeg and pour into a heavy-based saucepan. Set the pan over the lowest possible heat and warm slowly. Heat gently for 12 minutes, stirring continuously and scraping the bottom, until the mixture very thinly coats the spoon or reaches 75C. Remove from the heat, strain if necessary, and pour into a mug. Drink hot or chill in the fridge. If you're having a very late brunch, add a splash of bourbon, rum or cognac.