How do I get rid of bugs on my pomegranate tree?

Insecticidal Soap It controls an array of unwanted insects, including aphids, scales, whiteflies and leafhoppers. For insecticidal soap to effectively control pests, it must come into contact with the insects and should only be applied when the temperatures are between 40 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, on a calm day.Click to see full answer. People also ask, what is eating my pomegranate tree?Mealy bugs can infest pomegranates. These small, white-colored bugs have a cottonlike appearance and suck the juices from the foliage. Other bugs that can infest pomegranates are scales, whiteflies, leafrollers, thrips, beetles and various insect larvae.Subsequently, question is, what pests or diseases affect pomegranates? The main diseases affecting pomegranate fruit are Alternaria fruit rot (Alternaria alternate), Aspergillus fruit rot (Aspergillus niger) and gray mold (Botrytis cinerea). Likewise, people ask, how do you get rid of leaf footed bugs naturally? Spray the nymphs directly with a ready-to-use insecticidal soap. Spray both sides of the leaves and the stems to ensure you kill all the nymphs feeding on the plants. Repeat every three or four days until you see no more nymphs.Can I make my own insecticidal soap?To make insecticidal soap, simply mix the following horticultural soap recipe ingredients thoroughly: Combine one cup of oil, any variety, such as vegetable, peanut, corn, soybean, etc. with one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid or other “pure” soap.
