On May 16, 2023, controversial streamer Adin Ross commented on fellow content creators Kai Cenat and Darren "IShowSpeed" collaborating to host The Kai 'N Speed Show, a livestreaming show exclusive to Rumble. The announcement was made earlier today and has since gone viral on the internet.
Adin Ross stated that he was "hurt" by Kai Cenat and IShowSpeed's decision to switch to Rumble instead of Kick. He then revealed that the Trainwreckstv-backed platform offered the two internet stars a $40 million contract, which they declined:
"I'm hurt. I wanted Kai and Speed on Kick. I'm going to be honest. We originally offered, I think, Kai and Speed $40 million. I think Kai was $40 million and Speed was $40 million. They said no.""It's NBA money" - Adin Ross on Kai Cenat and IShowSpeed moving to Rumble instead of Kick
Earlier today, Adin Ross congratulated Kai Cenat and IShowSpeed on their decision to move to Rumble. He claimed that content creators are now in a position to land NBA-style deals:
"The fact that streamers are in a position now to be signing f**king... NBA-type f**king deals is crazy, bro! Like... clap, bro! Just clap, bro. Everyone is f**king getting paid and deserving of that s**t. That's first of all. Everyone is getting f**king paid! You know what I'm saying? Because... you know, that's really f**king awesome, people getting paid for their work and s**t.The Florida native was intrigued by Rumble's decision to sign some of the most well-known content creators. He then stated that he was "hurt" by Kai Cenat and IShowSpeed's decision to favor Rumble over Kick. Adin Ross also speculated that the former must have offered him more than the latter:
"I don't know what Rumble offered. But... I don't know maybe it's more than that. So, that just goes to show you, bro, motherf**kers are... f**king... it's NBA money, bro! NBA f**king money! You know what I'm saying? So... this s**t is crazy, bro! This s**t's crazy as f**k!"Continuing further, the 22-year-old personality praised Kai Cenat and IShowSpeed for "sticking to their roots" and jokingly referred to himself as a "sellout":
"One thing I respect about Kai and Speed, they stick to their f**king roots. Twitch and YouTube. And that is what's it all about. You know what I'm saying? Me? I'm a sellout, bro! I'm a sellout."Fans react to the streamer's revelation
Adin Ross' revelation about Kick offering $40 million contracts to both Kai Cenat and IShowSpeed was a hot topic of conversation on the r/LivestreamFail subreddit. Here's what the online community had to say:
With Kai Cenat and IShowSpeed confirming that they will not be switching to Kick, it will be interesting to see who the "mega-superstar streamers" could be that Adin Ross has been teasing for the past few months.
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